Tartaric Acid USP Food Grade Natural 100% Pure

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I don't use Tartaric Acid, but I bought this as a gift for a friend who makes delicious-smelling, beautiful soaps. It arrived as promised and she's delighted. Thank you.


Tartaric acid is a white, crystalline organic acid that occurs naturally in many fruits, most notably in grapes, but also in bananas, tamarinds, and citrus. Its salt, potassium bitartrate, commonly known as cream of tartar, develops naturally in the process of winemaking.

What is tartaric acid used for?

Tartaric acid is an important food additive that is commonly combined with baking soda to function as a leavening agent in recipes. It can be used in all kinds of foods except untreated foods. Tartaric acid naturally occurs in plants like grapes, apricots, apples, bananas, avocados and tamarinds.

Is tartaric acid safe?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reviewed the safety of Potassium Sodium Tartrate and has affirmed its status as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) as a direct food substance. FDA has approved the use of Tartaric Acid and Potassium Sodium Tartrate in Over the Counter (OTC) antacid drug products.

Is tartaric acid a strong acid?

Tartaric acid (H2T) is the strongest organic acid in must and wine and it is characteristic of grape, where it is present as l-(+)-isomer (Fig. 2.1). It is a diprotic acid, whose pKa (at 25°C) are reported to be 2.98 and 4.34, respectively, for the dissociation of the first and the second acidic function (Lide, 2005).

Is tartaric acid and citric acid the same?

The main difference between tartaric acid and citric acid is that the tartaric acid naturally occurs in grapes whereas citric acid naturally occurs in citrus fruits. Tartaric acid and citric acid are two types of plant acids used as natural food additives. ... Both tartaric acid and citric acid are antioxidants as well. Tartaric acid is found in cream of tartar, which is used in making candies and frostings for cakes. Tartaric acid is also used in baking powder where it serves as the source of acid that reacts with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). ... Common esters of tartaric acid are diethyl tartrate and dibutyl tartrate.

Is tartaric acid cream of tartar?

Unfortunately, tartaric acid and cream of tartar are not quite the same thing, though cream of tartar is made from tartaric acid.

Is tartaric acid good for skin?

Tartaric acid has antioxidant properties and is an alpha hydroxy acid, though it is not as well-researched when it comes to skin benefits as glycolic and lactic acids.

Is tartaric acid a preservative?

As acidifier and natural preservative for marmalades, ice cream, jellies, juices, preserves, and beverages. – As emulsifier and preservative in the bread-making industry and in the preparation of candies and sweets. Tartaric acid is a crystalline colorless solid, soluble in water, acids and alcohols, but insoluble in hydrocarbons and halocarbons.

Why is tartaric acid used in baking powder?

Tartaric acid is a weak and mild acid. It is mixed with baking soda to prepare baking powder. When baking powder is used in batters, the tartaric acid reacts with baking soda and neutralizes the bitter taste without affecting its ability to produce CO2 and H2O.

Why is it called cream of tartar?

Cream of tartar is the cooking world's name for potassium bitartrate, or potassium hydrogen tartrate, a potassium acid salt that is formed during grape fermentation.

What happens if you eat tartaric acid?

While it's unlikely that overeating foods that contain tartaric acid will cause such side effects, those supplementing the acid in its crystalline form are at risk. Such side effects of over-consumption include increased thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and gastrointestinal inflammation.

Does tartaric acid expire?

Tartaric acid is not perishable.

What does tartaric acid taste like?

Tartaric acid is a white crystalline organic acid. It occurs naturally in many plants, particularly grapes and tamarinds, and is one of the main acids found in wine. It is added to other foods to give a sour taste, and is used as an antioxidant. Salts of tartaric acid are known as tartrates.

What is the basicity of tartaric acid?

Tartaric Acid is a white crystalline dicarboxylic acid found in many plants, particularly tamarinds and grapes. ... It is a conjugate acid of a L-tartrate(1-). It is an enantiomer of a D-tartaric acid.

Is tartaric acid Monoprotic Diprotic or Triprotic?

Tartaric and malic acids are acids with two potential hydrogen ions (H+) per molecule, but these are also reluctantly released and hence are weak diprotic acids. Citric acid is a triprotic acid, able to release three hydrogen ions (H+) per molecule, with varying degrees of ease.

What is the formula of tartaric acid?

The chemical formula of tartaric acid can be written as HO2C-CH(OH)-CH(OH)-CO2H or C4H6O6 and its molar mass is 150.09 g/mol. It is dihydroxy (having two OH groups) and dicarboxylic (having two COOH groups) acid.

What is another name for tartaric acid?

The aldaric acid, 2,3 dihydroxy-succinic acid. Synonyms: antioxidant, E334, erythraric acid. Tartaric acid(noun).

Is tartaric acid corrosive?

Yes. The substance is corrosive to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. Corrosive on ingestion.

Is tartaric acid halal?

Halal Certified Tartaric Acid. ... Tartaric acid (dihydroxy-succinic acid), if not made/derived from wine, is Halal. Even though Tartaric acid is a major acid found in wine, on its own it is Halal and will not be intoxicating like wine. In wine and other alcohols, it is used as an additive for flavor etc.

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I bought this as a gift

I don't use Tartaric Acid, but I bought this as a gift for a friend who makes delicious-smelling, beautiful soaps. It arrived as promised and she's delighted. Thank you.